Monday, February 23, 2015

Elsa Elsa Everywhere

Today my Facebook trending sidebar had an interesting theme. I've always heard that the trending bar reflects your previous searches and that Facebook has access to your search history (in some way or another). This rang true more than ever today, it feels like my trending would mirror that of a ten year old girl.

While I would usually rather this not be in my trending feed, it does serve to illuminate the omnipresence of Disney and corporate influence in our world today. Reporters from large news corporations have made the effort to write fun-loving pieces on Elsa and the bitter-cold that has gripped America these last few days. More than this, it has reached a global audience through social media platforms such as Facebook. 

I'm always a proponent for the news being a little more comical and uplifting than the usual critical political conversation, hollywood gossip and daily recitation of crimes or legal battles. So thank you Elsa for the change of pace you brought today.     

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